Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cambodian Cattle

I have to share this with you as the cows in Cambodia are fucking hilarious. They are sort of a mixture between a horse and a cow and have been renamed Hows by yours truly. Picture Peter Crouchs legs, the stomach of a Kwasiorkor sufferer, Gaz Wildes ears and comedy fake eyelashes and you've hit the nail on the head. Oh and they're all about the same skin colour as a Scotsman in mid winter.

They really are amusing and I can't stop thinking of Gaz when I see them. Yesterday one even strolled up to me and asked me if I'd wax its back. This morning as I was on my way beachwards I decided I had to get a snap of one of them on my new $5 throwaway camera and as it neared me and I took the smap it started to go for me. The locals looked on as I tried casually to turn and flee at thrice the pace I was previously engaging and the big fella stumbled after me for about 20 yards before he finally got sidetracked by a group of his mates playing topless volleyball to the Top Gun theme track. I have to find some way of getting the photo developed and scanning it for you and this is on my list of priorities when I arrive in Nam next week.


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