Saturday, February 03, 2007

Shit Yeah!

Well fuck me sideways we only went and beat the Ozzys in their own backyard at a game of good old bloody cricket chaps! And I was there to witness this miraculous feat!

Piled into the SCG on Friday at 2pm for the day nighter with England suitably embarassed and in need of victory to stand even the slimmest chance of salvaging something from this shambles of a tour. After meeting up with old mate Fergy from school and his mate dirty Dave it was time to start the banter with the locals and with very little ammo it became quite clear that we do still own the rugby world cup!

However shock of all shocks England actually came out fighting and with young Irishman Joyce and Tinker-Bell they quickly reached 3 figures with only 1 wicket down. Could this be a turning point. Confidence is something that has been hard to find in even the most optimistic of English fans so when Bell went trying to pull McGrath for 51 the collapse was expected. Flintoff followed soon after and the Aussies were back in full voice but only temporarily. Straussy and Joyce put on a quickfire fifty and some good hitting from the tail end for once gave us a ridiculously lofty 292 runs from our 50 overs. Take that you boomerang slinging inbreds!

It only got better! As we slugged back the light beers in a fashion that even Boony would be proud of out marched the poms and first ball Gilchrist was bowled by a beauty. One over later and the ozzies were two down and the 12 English fans in our stand were going mental. The boys actually managed to carry this on and dismiss the Aussies for 200 even managing a bonus point along the way. Have it! A great day nighter saw us stumble out at 10pm and head for the nearest bar to continue the Aussie baiting boozathon. Methinks I am a lucky mascot and fingers crossed we dispatch the kiwis and get to the final where I will once again be at the SCG in full voice and with full strength ale in the members stand!

She'll be coming round the mountains

Early-ish rise Saturday morning to drive to the aptly named Blue Mountains for a whistle stop tour of the region and a bit of culture and escape from Sydney. Had Lees car for the weekend so hopped in with Cambodian Vic (she's not actually Cambodian) and set off to see what all the fuss was about.

Only took about 2 hours to get there and we quickly found a hostel and had a nosy around. Now call me biased but this place isn't a patch on the Lake District, in fact it's not that much more impressive than Blackheath! Ok so i'm exaggerating slightly, the mountains/canyons themselves are fantastic but the towns and surrounding 'attractions' are quite simply shite. We stayed in Katoomba which is like a shrunken version of Whitley Bay with the fist slugging Geordies replaced by Cow milking yokels. The main and pretty much only street is a mixture of the wild west and a shite English coloquial town (think Luton!). Leura down the road was a lot nicer but still splattered with freaky motels and the one five star hotel was slightly out of our price range at $450 a night.

So YHA it was and after a bit of walking through the mountains we set sail on the 45 second cable car experience this morning and then had a trek around and did see the beauty of the mountains once in there. That made the experience worthwhile but unless you can afford a decent hotel I would recommend driving up early doors, having a good days walking and then getting back to Sydney before the 6 fingered locals freak the hell out of you in the evening.

I will post some snaps asap but these Aussies aren't a patch on the Thais with their photographic computer skills and as I am still a retard I can't promise when they'll be here. Good to hear the English whooped the Scots as well. Looks like our sport may be on the turn but then again don't want to speak too soon. Stay in touch folks, I know I may be boring you slightly and I know it's a bit chilly back home but I have noticed a bit of slacking from one or two of you with your contact levels. This will be taken into account when purchasing didgeridoos and boomerangs to bring home!


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