Sunday, December 03, 2006

The fox has landed

And I tell you it's good to see the pasty old fella. He came bearing gifts of salt n vinegar hula hoops (no discos left!), orange lucozade and sports mixture and would you believe it the sly old dog even managed to bring my mojo over with him as well!

Yep the blog has been lacking (as many of you, mostly male, have pointed out) in tales of a debaucherous or just slightly more salubrious nature and this is largely for good reason. There've not really been any to report as the boy Freel has unfortunately stumbled upon a sizeable barren spell. Anyway since El Silvero reached foreign shores it seems that the old glint is back in the freel eye. With wingman on board it appears I am slightly more desirable to the opposite sex.

This could be for many reasons but I've managed to narrow it down to the following:

- Tommy is whiter than a scotsman and as such it makes me look like Frank Bruno. The fox's torso has not seen a ray of sunlight since 1963 on a weekend break in Cleethorpes and bless him after a day in the sun today he's gone a little bit pink on his belly!

- Tommy is older and wiser (and clearly a lot wealthier) than the majority of these traveller types. This is helping in many ways. The standard of accommodation is greatly improved and tomorrow we are moving in to an absolute palace for the next few days. The wise old fox is also seen as a mentor for all the young girls who are missing their daddies whilst travelling and so they are attracted by his paternal qualities. But in the main it's all probably about the money. A lot of the people over here would do anything for a hot shower.

- His copy of Heat magazine - i'm telling you if any of you boys are planning a trip to Asia bring a bagload of girly mags with you (not that sort off!). Heat, OK, Top tips for great lips, lotion devotion, celebs in beds and whatever else those things are called are like gold dust in these parts and can be traded on the traveller exchange for numerous favours!

- He's a good looking lad - can't really see that.

- His razor sharp wit and sparkling personality and chat - hahahaha.....

Anyway whatever the reason long may it continue. I'm off now to wade my way through the gaggle of 21 year olds that are swarming outside this cafe. Wonder if there's a back entrance round here...


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