Saturday, March 17, 2007

Magical Milford
It is listed as the number one spot in New Zealand by the AA's 101 best spots to see, Rudyard Kipling called it the 8th wonder of the world and I call it quite simply bacon sandwich droppingly sensational.

OK so it rains almost every bloody day of the year and there's only one pub which does attract its fair share of freaks and hobbit lovers but the scenery and tranquility of Milford Sound is second to nothing I have ever or will ever see again.

As a massive fan of the good old English Lake District I couldn't wait to see the place described to me by one person as "ten times better than the lakes"! Knowing this was impossible in my head I was half hoping to be proven right but once we popped through the milford tunnel we were catapulted right into the heart of a mountain valley surrounded on all sides by towering granite cliffs, waterfalls spilling over ledges, snow capped mountains, lush forests and icy blue lakes and streams.

The Milford National park is set in fiordland and is home to some of the worlds greatest tracks, walks and tramps (not the cider slurping type). We found ourselves stopping every 5 minutes to take more photos, visit more things at the side of the road and more features of this amazing place. Even the titles of the signposted sights come from a magical, mystical world - Mirror Lakes, The Chasm, Lake Marion, The Divide, Mitre Peak, Dusky Sound, Mackinnon Pass and Dead Lake. The whole aura of this middle earth makes you realise that maybe Tolkien wasn't on magic mushrooms when he devised his Hobbit infested trilogy. Quite possibly he just lived in a treehouse in Milford!

I unfortunately didn't spot any hobbits, elves or wizards aside from a few lookey likeys in the Milford Arms that night but I did take in a cruise around the fiords which even included spotting a gang of seals lazing around, went off the beaten track with the crazy swede and the girls and climbed an unmarked mountain in the pissing rain. To say this was a bit hairy is an understatement but an absolutely comical and nerve wrackingly exhiliarating experience! It was very cold and very wet but for me one of the ultimate highlights of my trip to date. Anyone seeking a bit of inspiration or wanting to escape for a wee while get your hiking boots and smoking pipe packed and toddle off down here, you will love it!


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