Bed Hopping
The room was awash with claret and the scotsman over the way threw Freel a T-shirt while Fergie muttered something about Freel ruining his moment by trying to get a sneaky peek! The result can be seen below but I ask you, please do any of you think I would seriously be trying to catch an eyeful of the lady that spent the night with Fergie above? I rest my case and am therefore sticking by the bed tilting story!
After the craziness of Hong Kong and a couple of days off the lash recovering the system and slowly ridding myself of Parkinsons disease, it was good to get back to the laid back civilisation of Oz. The mammoth 3 plane journey via Sydney and Brisbane eventually plumped me in Cairns where my good buddy Fergie was waiting to greet me (in his bed in a hostel as per usual at 5pm in the afternoon!).
After a quick shower it was time for a few beers and a catch up and things were going well as we headed to PJ O'Briens famous Wednesday Coyote girl night. The beers went down really well and the chat was flowing as we bumped into a few regular faces and sank a few schooners and Fergie befriended a young Irish lass before randomly disappearing with her. As he failed to return and had left me with a couple of random blokes and her salad dodging friend I headed for the imaginary bathroom and made my shaky way back to the hostel. The memory of this stroll is slightly lacking but I did discover a picture of a friendly local I bumped into en route home when I looked at the camera the next day.
Having negotiated this hurdle I finally made it back to bed and clambered onto the top bunk attempting not to disturb fergie from his slurping and frolicing in the bunk below. It wasn't long before the lights were out and all was well in the world of Freel as merry thoughts of drunken delights and chicken doners ran through my slumbersome mind. However all was about to change as an incident of death defying gravity was due to occur. At approximately 5.30am as Fergie was reaching his height of enjoyment he must have tilted the bed slightly with his final jerk. This convulsion sent Freel reeling from his comfortable perch and free falling head first straight into the solid, polished concrete floor below.
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