Monday, April 09, 2007

Sharks, Turtles, Rays and Crocs - North Queensland absolutely rocks!

Excuse the gay use of rocks in the title but it rhymed so there you are. Well after the liver destroying depravity of Hong Kong to falling out of a Cairns bunkbed I guess the only way was up (as Yazz would say) and it was north we headed to Cape Tribulation to see a bit of the Queensland rainforest and get closer to the barrier reef.

All I can say is that despite the rain this was a true Ozzie adventure and everything and more that I had hoped for. We started on a trip to Cape Trib and on the way took in the sights of the Daintree river via a boat tour. Cruising down the banks of these murky waters it was literally 2 minutes in before the laid back guide shouted ' Do any of you guys like wildlife?' to which he received a muffled approval. "Well look left that's Scarface, the toughest of the crocs on this stretch!" Literally 5 metres to my left was a 5metre long croc half submerged in the river and half basking in the sun on the bank. By all accounts he'd kicked the arses of most of the other crocs on the river to claim his title at the top of the tree and now pretty much had his pick of food and women. It brought back memories of being in the City & Guilds canteen and I immediately developed a close bond with old scarface.

We cruised round the river for about 45mins and spotted a baby croc literally about 6 inches long as well as a juvenile who I reckon I could've taken. No sign of any budding Steve Irwin types though I think they've all gone a bit quiet since his untimely departure. After that we headed to the rainforest in Cape Trib and the clue's in the name but rain was top of the agenda for the next 2 days. The only thing to do once we'd walked the beach was get on it but as it was Good Friday the ozzies were only serving booze with food between 7-9pm! Could you believe it! Well the good lord would've been proud as we almost reanacted his water to wine feat instead converting a bowl of soup and plate of chips into 6 jugs of the golden amber. The surrounding tables watched in disbelief as the clearly alcholic english folk quaffed their ale whilst sharing potato snacks!

It had been almost 4 months since my Open Water Dive experience on Ko Tao so it was with excitement and trepidation that I booked a 3 dive trip on the barrier reef with Emily and Fergs. We were bumped back a day due to fear of a tsunami which obviously made me so much more keen to get out on the boat, but lo and behold next day we were picked up early doors and off we trotted. The boat was a beast and along with 1 other Danish/Indian lass there were the 4 of us qualified divers and about 20 snorkellers on board. Mind you with the sea chopping harder than Bruce Lee about three quarters of them were gipping after the first 5 minutes. Not me though hard as nails man of the sea that I now am!

The first dive reminded me how it worked and after the initial shock of learning to breathe again I soon got my barings and had a good old nosey around. I do seem to have lungs like Red Rum though as I got through my air at almost twice the speed of everyone else. Dive 2 was where all the action was and as of yet in my underwater career I had never spotted Jaws or any of the teenage mutant ninjas so to see both of these things within 2 minutes of each other was incredible.

The reef sharks were about 2metres long and just dozing at the bottom with one lazy black eye kept open just in case you fancied a ruck! The turtle appeared above us like a gargantuous golf umbrella and the fella was wallowing along minding his own business and was a joy to watch. I could've quite easily just followed him all day but there was that bloomin air problem again and it was soon time to get on deck! The third dive brought Axle the giant grouper fish into play and he was playing around like a bog old dog, letting you tickle his chin and stroke his back as he meandered about. He was about twice the size of me and rounder than Rik Waller but so dosile and soft it was ridiculous. We also spotted Trumpet, Lion, Tiger, Angel, Nemo, Barracuda, Stingrays and all sorts of weird and wonderful shit and the coral off Port Douglas was great to explore and admire. Are you getting the impression i'm getting quite into this diving lark. I even managed a couple of somersaults and whoops of joy underwater like the gay sailor I am!

We arrived back in Cairns last night after a great adventure and after sorting out flights, cars and admin crap today it's off on a 9 day drive down the coast, taking in Magnetic Island, Airlie and The Whitsundays and Fraser Island before I arrive in Brissy on 18th April. Can't wait and can't wait to get back under that sea and find a few more of those big finned beasts to wave my little fins at along the way!


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